
Chakras, from a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, are centres of energy in the human body. The seven main chakras, which are the areas where major energy flows intersect, are located between the top of the head and the base of the spine and are connected with the spinal column in an upward flow of energy. The other, or minor, chakras are located in areas where fewer energy flows intersect such as the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, behind the eyes, in front of the ears and at the back of the knees.

The chakras control the organs and glands of the body and each of the seven main chakras relates to a specific area of the
body. The flow of energy between the chakras can affect our physical health as well as our emotional feelings of wellbeing. When the chakras are clear and vitalised, each resembling a whirling centre of energy, the body is at its healthiest. However, when one of the chakras is not in harmony or a blockage occurs, this will hinder the flow of energy not only within that chakra, causing disturbances in the related area of the body, but also between all the chakras, which will affect other parts of the body.

It is thought that the positive vibration of gemstones can harmonise the chakras and allow the energy to flow freely. Different
stones are thought to be more effective with each chakra, usually associated with the colour of the stones. Some stones, like
rock crystal, diamonds and sugilite, are considered to be helpful in clearing blockages in all the chakras. Following is a list of the seven main chakras indicating their locations, related areas of the body and the stones thought to be effective for clarifying or revitalising each chakra.

Root chakra (or first chakra): The root or base chakra is located at the base of the spine and the areas that relate to this chakra are the spinal column, the large intestine and the bones. The colour associated with the root chakra is red and red stones, such as garnets and rubies, as well as agate are strong healing stones for this area.

Sacral chakra (second chakra): This chakra is located in the area below the navel and provides harmony in the lower abdomen. If there is a blockage in the sacral chakra it will be reflected in the kidneys, bladder, digestive system or reproductive organs. Orange is the colour associated with the sacral chakra and carnelian is the stone usually used for
revitalising this chakra.

Solar plexus chakra (third chakra): Located below the breastbone and behind the stomach, this chakra is associated with the stomach, liver and gall bladder as well as the pancreas and adrenal glands. The colour associated with this chakra i’s yellow and stones used for revitalising it include citrine, yellow topaz and amber.

Heart ehakra (fourth chakra): As its name implies this chakra is located in the centre of the chest at the same level as the heart. Disturbances in the heart chakra usually show up as problems with the heart or the lungs as well as disturbances in the blood circulation. Also in the area affected by this c hakra is the thymus gland, which strengthens the immune system and
stimulates growth. The colours are green and pink and the stones that have had a healing effect are emeralds, green and pink tourmaline and rhodochrosite.

Throat ehakra (fifth chakra): This chakra is located in the area of the throat just above the collarbone. Blockages would be reflected in swallowing difficulties and sore throat as well as problems with the jaw and the area around the nape of the
neck. Also affected by the throat chakra is the thyroid gland, which regulates growth and development through the metabolism rate. The associated colour is light blue and suitable stones include chalcedony, blue topaz and aquamarine.

Forehead (or brow) chakra (sixth chakra) – also known as third eye: This chakra is located at the centre of the forehead between and slightly above the eyebrows. Disturbances result in eye, nose and throat problems and well as inflam- mation of the sinuses. The pituitary gland is also affected by this chakra. The third eye, or forehead chakra, is also considered to the centre of psychic power, connecting us with the extrasensory world. The colour for this chakra is dark blue and lapis lazuli is considered to be the strongest stone for “opening” of the third eye.

Crown ehakra (seventh chakra): This chakra is located at the top, or crown, of the head and is considered to be the centre
of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy. The crown chakra vitalises the cerebrum, the seat of conscious mental processes in the brain, as well as the pineal gland. For a harmonious crown chakra, energy must flow freely in all other chakras. When this occurs and the crown chakra is clear and vitalised, there is a feeling of fulfilment and negative feelings such as envy and hatred are diminished. Violet, white and gold are the colours associated with the crown chakra and suitable stones would include the amethyst.

The method used to eqeanse or revitalise the chakras is to lie down and place a suitable stone on each chakra and relax in
this way for about ten minutes. It is best to treat all seven chakras at the same time, but ifa crystal is used start with the root
chakra and move the crystal up the body, allowing about three minutes on each chakra. When placed on each chakra the
point of the crystal should be upwards, pointing towards the crown chakra.