Coming to terms with size and self

For more than six decades, Michael Berman has lived as a fat person. At 5 feet 9 inches, he has weighed as much as 207.5kg. He has been known to eat three racks of ribs at one sitting, or a 40-ounce steak, or a whole box of saltines. In 1986, after dropping a few pounds,…

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The Buzz on Parents

You thought the kids were mean and cliquish…all of us (parents) are inevitably going to get into conflict with other adults about our children. Some things, like cliques, influence whether we go through problems well or badly. The silent treatment. Whispered gossip. Cliques. For those who thought they’d left such torments behind in adolescence, becoming…

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When should parents confront each other?

I get that it’s important to pick your battles, but at a certain point you do have to pick a battle. The thing is that you really must demand of yourself and other people that they treat each other civilly. Parents should not be allowed to be in a parent meeting and get away with…

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What factors make it hard for parents to communicate with each other?

In Washington, the issues of race and social class are really complex and very alive, but no one talks about it. Religion can be a filter. Even these humongous houses people live in can be a filter. From my conversations with parents, what emerges is that there’s a really unspoken thing going on between white…

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What is the Queen Bee Mom and the Kingpin Dad?

The Queen Bee Mom is highly socially and academically intelligent. She can make you do things and you don’t it because it’s so subtle-often in the guise of bing complimentary. She’s appropriately dressed, often in the conservative style, but not dowdy. She’s effortlessly perfect. Queen Bees can be amazing leaders, but they always have to…

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Who joins a mom clique and why?

This is not about mean girls growing up to be mean moms, but rather about how all of us are inevitably going to get into conflict with other adults and how things like groups influence whether we go through problems well or badly. What i see with mom cliques is that they are most prevalent…

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What is Perfect Parent World?

Although many adults don’t realise it, peer pressure is just as pervasive for parents as it is for kids. Perfect Parent World is a set of behaviours, a construct, about things you have to be and how you conduct yourself. That symbolises that you are a good parent, that you belong to the group and…

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Treat depression

ANYONE can develop depression. But the good news is that treatment is successful in about 80% of identified cases. Psychotherapy and medication are the two primary treatment approaches. Antidepressant medications can make psychotherapy more effective for some people. Someone who is too depressed to talk, for instance, may not get much benefit from psychotherapy or…

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