Does osteoporosis occur in men?

OSTEOPOROSIS is a disease of women, right? Wrong-osteoporosis can be just as common in men if they live long enough. Men start off with a greater bone mass so osteoporosis occurs at a later age, roughly 5-10 years later than women. In the past many men died before osteoporosis had a chance to develop, but…

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Enter the vitalsexual man

Sexy Lingerie shop FORGET the metrosexual, here comes the vitalsexual man! He is at least 40, consideers spontaneity in sex and parthner satis-faction to be very important and is willing to seek medical help if he has sexual problems.   Results form a recent Malaysian study of 1,000 men have revealed the emergence of a…

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Nurturing the thinking child

Brain-Based learning is the informed process of using a group of practical strategies based on sound principles derived from brain research. It aims to help children learn according to how the brain learns best-naturally. It is a borderless approach to learning, crossing and drawing upon multiple disciplines such as chemistry, neurology, psychology, sociology, genetics, physiology…

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Some idea for waste recycling – Old PC recycling

Monitor Recyclee for smoking plate Mouse recycle for art display Mouse recycle to art displayPc Casing turn into BBQ fire holder Keybord turn to art display Monitor turn to pet house Don’t Throw away your old PC…Try to do something useful from itYour keyboard can do this… How to recycle plastic?

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menses, am i bleeding?

  bleeding,the cause of the irregular bleeding is not found. For these women the most likely reason is a change in hormonal activity. This is described as dysfunctional uterine bleeding.     This is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding during a woman’s childbearing years. Up to 10% of women may experience excessive…

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Stopped having periods.

Whos’s at risk? What causes abnormal vaginal bleeding and who is at risk? Abnormal vaginal bleeding may occur between the normal menstrual bleeds (intermenstrual bleeding)or it may take the form of unusually heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia). In postmenopausal women, it may develop after a number of years without any vaginal bleeding. It’s inportant to understand…

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Kellysearch – Delivering Quality Results –

Kellysearch has come a long, long way in the last 200 years. And, thankfully, we’ve learnt a few things about business. But from our earliest beginnings as the Kelly’s business directory. For many millions of businesses the world over, Kellysearch is the only search engine for finding exactly what’s needed exactly when it’s needed. Whether…

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HotFrog Onlin business directory –

HotFrog is a free online business directory listing Malaysian businesses. It was launched in October 2006 and currently has 150,000 companies listed. The directory is still in the development phase and you may notice frequent changes to the way it looks and functions. We are constantly striving to improve this service and welcome any

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