Skali goes No-Frills

By JO TIMBUONG ALAM Teknokrat Sdn Bhd, or Skali as it is better known, is going into the no-frills business. In a recent press conference, the company announced its No-Frills Technology portfolio, which includes No-Frills Web Hosting and No-Frills Business. The No-Frills Technology solutions will be targeted at SMBs (small-and medium-sized businesses) and SoHo (small…

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U.S. seeks Australian view on China’s regional role

By Kristin Roberts CANBERRA (Reuters) – U.S. officials will press Australia on Saturday for an assessment of China‘s growing strategic and economic role in the region, as Washington tries to determine what impact a new government in Canberra will have on Australian ties with Beijing. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Deputy Secretary of State…

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TM, Asia Netcom in deal

KUALA LUMPUR: Telekom Malaysia Bhd and Hong Kong-based Asia Netcom have signed an agreement for network-to-network interconnection (NNI), which will further expand both companies’ telecommunications coverage into South-East Asia and the Middle East. Datuk Zam Isa, chief executive officer of Malaysia business at TM, said the agreement would provide its customers with improved connectivity services.…

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Maybank to go IP VPN

PETALING JAYA: Telekom Malaysia Bhd and Maybank Bhd have signed an agreement to migrate the bank’s branch network from a legacy frame-relay system to one using an Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network (IP VPN). Datuk Adnan Rofiee, TM Retail chief operating officer for Malaysia business, said that with the Internet already playing a vital role…

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TM launches Malacca broadband project

By STEVEN DANIEL MALACCA: Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) launched its first state-led broadband infrastructure initiative in Malacca following the state government’s aim to achieve broadband port availability of 75% of its households by the end of the year. The project dubbed the “Melaka Broadband Project” is the second joint initiative in the country between a…

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Petrol to be included in stockpile list

KUALA LUMPUR: Petrol will be one of the goods to be listed on the government stockpiles in the future. Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shafie Apdal said the stockpiling is a step to ensure the country has enough of such goods and it would help to stabilise prices. “We will have the first…

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Some foreign investors want to stay on, says Abdullah

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s business-friendly climate, political stability and low cost of living has attracted many foreign investors and expatriates, with some wanting to stay here permanently, said Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The Prime Minister said there were also foreign executives who wanted to take up permanent residence in Malaysia. “I’m very happy because this…

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PM: Improved economic performance and government efficiency

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia improved its rankings in government efficiency and world competitiveness last year compared with eight years ago, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said. The Prime Minister, quoting statistics obtained by the World Competitiveness Yearbook released by the Swiss-based IMD (one of the world’s leading business schools), said Malaysia’s economic performance last year was sixth…

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Malaysia is hosting the ecoStyle Award

MALAYSIA, which has been acknowledged as one of the most pro-active developing countries in Asia in adopting environmental policies, is taking its role as environmental spokesperson one step further by sponsoring and hosting the inaugural ecoStyle Award. The nominations for the ecoStyle Award will be announced at the International Media launch in Los Angeles, USA,…

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