The father of psychoanalysis, sigmund freud and his theories

Wanna talk about it? The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, and his theories. IKEEP hearing about Sigmund Freud from my cousin, who seems to think he is the inventor of modern psychoanalysis. I don’t even understand the word ‘psychoanalysis’. who is freud and why is he so famous? Sigmund Freud is actually a Czech Austrian…

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Smoking early in pregnancy raises risks of heart defects in newborns

My baby doesn’t smoke Smoking early in pregnancy raises risks of heart defects in newborns. MOTHERS who smoke early in pregnancy are more likely to give birth to infants with heart defects, according to a study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The study, published in the April issue of Pediatrics,…

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Kids ask lots of question – KidsHealth has the answer

Mummy,why does…. Kids ask lots of question-KidsHealth has the answers. WHY does my nose run? What are taste buds? Where do tears come from? Parents know that kids have many questions about their bodies. To help kids – and parents uncover the mysteries of thehuman body, KidsHealth.otg, the most-visited website for children’s health information, has…

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Chornic Pain is generally defined as persistent pain

Despite the pain….. Ninety per cent of all pain is easily managed by simple means; it is the remaining 10%, which requires a special approach. Hence, the role of pain clinics in helping people manage pain. PAIN-we all know what it is and we’ve all experienced it. Thankfully, for most of us, it is a…

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Imposing giants – Global reef checks show the species have disappeared from even the best reefs over most of its range.

Imposing giants HUMPHEAD wrasses (also known as Napoleon or Maori wrasse) are among the most beautiful, yet bizarre-looking, fish in the sea. With their bulbous lips, prominent forehead humps and a body pattern consisting of swirls, spots and lines in shadesof electric blue, grey and green, humpheads rank high on recre ational divers’ “must see”…

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Industrial pollution in China

Chinese farmers collecting dead fish hauled from a pond polluted by nearby factory discharges in south-west China’s Chongqing municipality last month. China faces a daunting task reaching its own goals to curb profligate energy use and serious pollution due to stubborn resistance in the booming industrial sector.

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The Philippines expressed alarm over the commercial hunting of the thresher shark

File photo of fishermen transporting a load of harvested shark fins aboard a small outrigger from the port of Jolo town in the southern Philippine island of Sulu. Last month, the Philippines expressed alarm over the commercial hunting of the thresher shark, considered a vulnerable species worldwide. philippine wildlife officials said there had been a…

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