Water woes in Kampala

Water woesA woman filling jugs with water at a water distribution point in the Nuguru Go Down Slum in Kampala. The United Nations declared 2008 the international Year of Sanitation, and it made use of international Water Day on March 21 to highlight the issue. “In teh world today, there are 15 million deaths caused…

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Clogged canals in downtown Jakarta

Clogged canals Scavengers collecting polythene and other recyclable items from a polluted canal in downtown Jakarta. Jakarta’s water supply has suffered from regular cuts in recent years as pollution enters its main source of water through canals where communities live alongside, as well as from rivers that cross it on their way to the Java…

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How to get Reiki treatment

REIKI is a complementary healing practice that uses spiritual energies of a Reiki master or healer to treat varioee kinds of conditions and symptoms. * You should have a little bit of understanding of the basics of Reiki, The practice usually involves long periods during which the Reiki healer places his hands on the patient…

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