Where to stay and eat around the world

Where to stay and eat HERE are some recommended hotels – from the really costly to the fairly affordable. Luckily, you can eat well and cheaply if you know where to go. Parrot Cay P.O. Box 164, Provideneiales, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies; (877)754- 0726, www.parrotcay.como.bz. This private island resort has 59 rooms,…

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Travel at Hungary’s gem

Hungary’s gem With its very palatable mix of the modern and the ancient, Budapest in Hungary can please both the lone traveller and also the family entourage, writes SHIRANI TISDALE. IF you’re planning on visiting Hungary, a good map and an even better guidebook are a must. I’m not a linguist by any means, but…

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Discovering the subtleties beneath the skin of an everyday superfood

Red and good Discovering the subtleties beneath the skin of an everyday superfood. TOMATOES are hailed as the new supeffood, able not just to combat cancer and cut cholesterol but also, it was revealed, to help keep skin youthful and protect against sunburn. Although the health benefits of tomatoes are well established, the average Briton…

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Pfizer launches dual-mode therapy to block nicotine’s effect in the brain.

Let’s quit Pfizer launches dual-mode therapy to block nicotine’s effect in the brain. PFIZER Malaysia recently launched its new smoking cessation pill, varenicline, a breakthrough non-nicotine oral medication. It has a novel mechanism of action which helps smokers quit smoking by providing dual benefits. Varenidine is unique because it is specifically designed to partially activate…

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