Clearer Vision with Relex Smile

Vision correction surgery, or refractive and laser eye surgery, is any surgical procedure used to correct vision problems. Over the past decades, refractive surgery has improved the quality of life for over 20 million patients with an above 95% patient satisfaction rate. It is one of the most popular elective surgery procedures in all of…

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No more neck and back pains

Isogai Dynamic Therapy (IDT), also known as’ the binding legs technique, emphasises the use of the Isogai Alignment Belts to bind both legs for a balances posture. Using these belts will reveal if your spine is in its correct position in the spinal column. This technique was discovered by renowned Japanese osteopath Dr Kimiyoshi Isogai…

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What is Irritable bowel syndrome ?

Your intestines are like a muscular tube and for a variety of reasons can sometimes contract too tightly. This is similar to sportsmen getting cramp in the leg muscles. It offten begins in early adult life or even in adolescence. Irritable bowel syndrome Common Symptoms Abdominal pain, often relieved by passing wind or by bowel…

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Insurance fo the shoulders

This exercise strengthens the shoulder joints and helps protect them from overextension when throwing, reaching or pulling. 1. Warm up 5 minutes by jogging in place; move shoulders, arms, neck and back through their full range of motion 2.Sit on bench or stool with feet flat, back straight and abdominal muscles tight. 3.Hold dumbbell in…

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