Material for Water Filter to get the clean water

Garnet (USA) *1
Most ideal for use in domestic industrial water filtretion due to high
density and the high level of hardness and toughness. It is efficient for removing particles, sediments, mud and suspendent solids in the water.

Zeolite Sand (Australia) *2

Zeolite have an unusual crystaltine structure and with greater absorbing power.

Anthracite Carbon (USA)
Reduce chlorine, smell and chemica meanwhile trapping the sediments, being the primary function the carbon, it leaves some chlorine in the water.

Mining Graded Sand (Local)
Most idea for use in domestic industrial water due to high level of hardness and toughness. It is efficient for removing particles, sediments, mud and suspendent solid in the water.

Fine Silicon Sand
Removes dirts prevent disease such as Tyhoid, Cholera, Bihdryia
Prevent Virus like :Tyhoid, Cholera, Bihdryia and Amoeba

*1 People love garnets because of their colors and shape. The most common color is deep red, but they also come in black, green, cream, and other colors. Perfect garnet crystals have 12 diamond-shaped sides. Clear (but colored) garnets are used in jewelry, but garnets more commonly contain tiny inclusions that make them opaque and ‘dirty’ looking. The unusual hardness of garnets (H ~ 7) makes non-jewelry garnets great in sandpaper.

*2 Zeolites are an unusual group of minerals and are becoming an important asset as a healing crystal. They combine, rarity, beauty, complexity and unique crystal habits. Many like to use the healing effects of Zeolites. Healing properties differ depending on variety. Clear Apophyllite is used to bring a spiritual consciousness. Stilbite aids psychic knowing, guidance, and direction. We will be adding more about the healing properties of Zeolites in the near future.