Of Prehistoric Buffalos and Cave Carvings – Algeria & Sahara Desert

Red-brown and orange on multicolored underprint. Tassili cave carvings of animals at lower center,….

Front : Algeria (1998) 1000 Dinars

Back : Algeria (1998) 1000 Dinars

…. water buffalo’s head at right and as watermark. Hoggar cave painting of antelope at left , ruins at center on back.

The banknote is based on Algeria’s prehistoric significance and the Sahara desert. Tassili is a mountain range in the Sahara and Hogger is the Ahaggar Mountains in central Sahara.

The buffalo is part of prehistoric Sahara where remains show artistic stone engravings of animals that became extinct in the area, including the buffalo (Bubalus antiquus). For more info Freedictionary Sahara