Every minute you walk can exten d your life by 2 minutes

Keep walking! Every minute you walk can exten d your life by 2 minutes. Most of us can walk – from the end of the parking lot, around the mall through the building at work, on the local high school track – but we don’t. The average Americanwalks 1.4 miles a week. That’s barely 1,000…

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Chornic Pain is generally defined as persistent pain

Despite the pain….. Ninety per cent of all pain is easily managed by simple means; it is the remaining 10%, which requires a special approach. Hence, the role of pain clinics in helping people manage pain. PAIN-we all know what it is and we’ve all experienced it. Thankfully, for most of us, it is a…

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Radicals that cause disease

THERE is a “paradox” about oxygen in that we cannot live without oxygen, yet it is dangerous to our existence. A war is being waged within every cell of your body. It is called oxidative stress (refers to a condition where antioxidants in the body cannot cope with free radicals generated) and is believed to…

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Improving vision, naturally – The Bates Method is the mainstay of the natural vision improvement. Though it’s not accepted by the mainstream

The Bates Method is the mainstay of the natural vision improvement. Though it’s not accepted by the mainstream, it has many followers. THE Bates Method is a system that is claimed by some to improve sight and restore the “natural habits” of seeing. It is the mainstay of the natural vision improvement movement. First described…

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