Time to detox

ABLOATED tummy is not only uncomfortable but also affects your mood, appetite and confidence. It is not to be confused with being fat. Belly fat is fatty ceils around your midsection and you can’t get rid of it without proper diet and exercise. Stomach bloating is when the abdomen feels full and tight, even when…

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A look at how Krabi has changed since the tsunami.

Krabi, cleaned upA look at how Krabi has changed since the tsunami.I recently went to Krabi for the first time since the tsunami and was amazed at the number of tourists there. It was packed and there was a surprising number of European children. 1 guess a lot of parents are taking winter breaks.Krabi, just…

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A therapy that rides on radio and sound waves provides pain relief.

Sound relief A therapy that rides on radio and sound waves provides pain relief. They say that surgery should always be the last option. If there’s a treatment out there that might offer you pain relief or even solve your physical problem, then by all means try that before you decide to go under the…

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Games can teach children the spirit of cooperation.

Learning through play Games can teach children the spirit of cooperation. Young children play games mainly for fun. Many children’s games help them learn to problem-solve, and develop motor and language skills. However, competition is often the focus of most games our children play. Childhood games such as musical chairs or cat-and-mouse emphasise on winning.…

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HPV infection is a major cause of cervical cancer

Hope in HPV vaccineAs HPV infection is a major cause of cervical cancer, vaccination offers the hope of a reduction in the incidence of this cancer. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection. The HPV virus needs to infect cells in order to survive. Once inside a cell, it directs the cell…

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How to keep the family together through life’s crises.

A united frontHow to keep the family together through life’s crises. The typhoon in Myanmar and earthquake in China in May, brought in their wake widespread destruction and death to hundreds of thousands of people. As we hear the news from thousands of kilometres away, can we even begin to imagine the despair of the…

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More than skin deep

Many unsuspecting consumers make the same mistake of buying laminate flooring without checking the quality of raw materials used in the finished product. While all laminated flooring look almost similar, they aren’t exactly the same, for example, quality beyond the surface or design. It is not easy to be discerning if you are unfamiliar with…

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How prepared are airlines?

Airline crew should have basic medical knowledge and training. There should he some form of medical kits. The following British airline provide examples: Virgin – cabin crew with first-aid training; senior cabin crew are trained to use defibrillators. Access to MedLink. BA – medical kits contain a “delivery pack” for births. Access to MedLink. easyJet…

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