Imposing giants – Global reef checks show the species have disappeared from even the best reefs over most of its range.

Imposing giants HUMPHEAD wrasses (also known as Napoleon or Maori wrasse) are among the most beautiful, yet bizarre-looking, fish in the sea. With their bulbous lips, prominent forehead humps and a body pattern consisting of swirls, spots and lines in shadesof electric blue, grey and green, humpheads rank high on recre ational divers’ “must see”…

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Industrial pollution in China

Chinese farmers collecting dead fish hauled from a pond polluted by nearby factory discharges in south-west China’s Chongqing municipality last month. China faces a daunting task reaching its own goals to curb profligate energy use and serious pollution due to stubborn resistance in the booming industrial sector.

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The Philippines expressed alarm over the commercial hunting of the thresher shark

File photo of fishermen transporting a load of harvested shark fins aboard a small outrigger from the port of Jolo town in the southern Philippine island of Sulu. Last month, the Philippines expressed alarm over the commercial hunting of the thresher shark, considered a vulnerable species worldwide. philippine wildlife officials said there had been a…

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Water woes in Kampala

Water woesA woman filling jugs with water at a water distribution point in the Nuguru Go Down Slum in Kampala. The United Nations declared 2008 the international Year of Sanitation, and it made use of international Water Day on March 21 to highlight the issue. “In teh world today, there are 15 million deaths caused…

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Clogged canals in downtown Jakarta

Clogged canals Scavengers collecting polythene and other recyclable items from a polluted canal in downtown Jakarta. Jakarta’s water supply has suffered from regular cuts in recent years as pollution enters its main source of water through canals where communities live alongside, as well as from rivers that cross it on their way to the Java…

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Save Our Environment

World Environment Day,commemorated each year on 5June,is one of the  principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide  awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and  action. TheWorld Environment Day slogan selected for 2007isMelting Ice-a Hot  Topic?In support of International Polar Year,theWED themeselectedfor  2007focuses on the effects thatclimatechangeishaving on polar ecosystems  and communities,and the ensuing consequences aroundtheworld. Inresponse to the slogan and in light ofthe core work and keytask  ofenvironmental protection in China,The State Environmental Protection  Administration selected the ”Less Emission of Pollutants and the  Environment-Friendly Society”as China’s slogan for 2007WEDtoshowcase the  Chinese government and people’s determination andaction. OnJune 5,2006,Bei-jing and Vancouver,host cities of the next Olympic  Summer and Winter Games,and theUnited Nations Environment Program (UNEP) jointlycalled on car owners in the two cities to drive one day less in  2007tomark the World Environment Day.The Construction and Environment  Department of the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX  Olympiad (BOCOG)urged BOCOG staff to do their part in creating  conditions for one more ”blue sky”in theChinesecapital.

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