Use Enzyme to Reduce Global Warming

What is Garbage Enzyme?

Dr Rosukon’s Garbage Enzyme is a complex organic substance of protein chains and mineral salts and juvenile hormones.

Functions of Garbage Enzyme

– resolve / decompose
– transform / change
– compose / make up / combine
– catalysis

As a result of catalysis, ozone is produced which can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and this in turn reduces global warming.

This enzyme can be produced easily with the organic waste from our kitchens.

During enzyme production, O3 + NO3 + CO3 are generated and these could help purify and whiten the clouds in the sky. Those clouds that trap lots of heavy metals appear dark. Those dark clouds cause more heat to be trapped on earth due to the greenhouse effect. O3 (ozone) from the garbage enzymes could reduce the heavy metals in the clouds and this would reduce global warming.

More NO3 (nitrite) in the air is useful as nutrients for the plants and soil.

Nutrient for Plant & Enviromental Friendly to Earth

If every household makes and uses enzymes, it would help tremendously in the reduction of global warming.

How to Make Garbage Enzyme

Uses of Garbage Enzyme
