Uses of Garbage Enzyme

Garbage enzyme has many uses for the environment, agriculture and even in homes.

In agriculture, garbage enzyme is used:
– to reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers
– to keep the farm free from insects and infections
– as a soil fertilizer for vegetable growing
– as a natural pesticide and herbicide
– to convert sandy land to fertile farm land
– keep the air cool and clean in the farm atmosphere
– clean the dirty and impure water in the farm
In homes, garbage enzyme is used:
as a household cleaning liquid
– to remove foul odours, molds and grime in the kitchen and toilet
as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent
– to drive away insects
– to clean carpets and remove ticks
– for laundry washing and ironing
– for mopping floors
– for cleaning cars

The enzymes not only chase away the insects but also reduces foul odours and infections.

Enzymes are added to the animal feed to aid in their food digestion.

Enzymes are also added to the drinking water in the farms.

The animal waste are used as organic fertilizers for growing crops in the fields.

Odours from the pigs and their waste are greatly reduced through the use of enzymes.

The animal waste are flushed into this pond and duckweeds grow and flourish due to the rich nutrients present.

A closer view of the duckweeds in the pond.

Kitchen or garbage waste when added with enzymes make good fertilizers for the soil.

Even sandy land can be converted into a piece of useful farm land!

After 4 months, the plants on this piece of sandy land have grown to a considerable height.

Animal waste is carefully packed away to be used as organic fertilizers.

Now we get abundant crops of organic fruits with the use of enzymes!