A Collection of Tips for Living on a Fixed Income

A Collection of Tips for Living on a Fixed Income

From Jenny McKinney,
Your Guide to Retirement Planning.
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Saving Money

Whether you are on a fixed income or just want to get the most for your money, this collection of tips can help you. These are tips that are easy to follow and most are kind of fun.

If you have some tips that you would like to share, email them to retireplan.guide@about.com and I will publish them.

Tips 1 through 10
Living on a fixed income doesn’t have to be that hard to do if you follow a money saving plan. Here are 10 more tips for living on a fixed income and stretching your dollars.

Tips 11 through 20
Saving money, stretching your dollars, or just being frugal can add up to extra moneyin your pocket or bank account.

Tips 21 through 30
Living on a fixed income doesn’t have to be that hard to do if you follow a money saving plan. Here are 10 more tips for living on a fixed income and stretching your dollars.

Tips 31 through 40
Once you’ve read all these tips, you might want to keep a journal of your spending to see just where your money is going. You might be surprised at how much you spend on things you could easily do with out.

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