Who joins a mom clique and why?

This is not about mean girls growing up to be mean moms, but rather about how all of us are inevitably going to get into conflict with other adults and how things like groups influence whether we go through problems well or badly.

What i see with mom cliques is that they are most prevalent with women who used to work and went home because they wanted to make this sacrifice for their children. I think many of them feel that they lost their public voice when they left their work, and our culture doesn’t respect women’s voices when they are at home as much as when they are at work.

So they miss those feelings of respect, of confidence, the feeling that their voice matters. And when they’re in a fight with a teacher or a coach or another parent, they are fighting for a sense of being a competent person.

I went up against some of those moms and it was scary-it was one of the few times i didn’t want to continue my work.

Dads are very much in groups, but they are less likely because of work to be in a clique.