Enter the vitalsexual man

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FORGET the metrosexual, here comes the vitalsexual man! He is at least 40, consideers spontaneity in sex and parthner satis-faction to be very important and is willing to seek medical help if he has sexual problems.


Results form a recent Malaysian study of 1,000 men have revealed the emergence of a new socio-sexual type-the vitalsexual. He is a man who wishes to have an active and satisfying love life for both his partner and himself.
Announcing the findings of the study, consultant urologist Dr Zulkifli Md. Zainuddin said: “The man the Vitalsexual study has highlighted is one whom we are beginning to see more of in our practice. He is more aware of his sexual problems and is more willing to discuss and use medication to maintain the spontaneity of his relationship and to satisfy his partner.”
The study, commissioned by Bayer HealthCare and conducted by independent research agency Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS), is believed to be the first local study of this scale to specifically examine sexual opinions, concerns and attitudes of men in Malaysia.


The key local study findings indicating the emergence of the new “Vitalsexual” group are:
    • 39% of men over 40 are vitalsexuals
    • More vitalsexuals view sex as important compared with all Malaysian men (56% vs 41%)
    • More vitalsexuals would like to improve their sex life by giving more pleasure to their partners compared with other men aged 40++(60% vs 53%)


  • Vitalsexuals would like more frequent sexual relations compared with other men aged 40++(27% vs 16%)
  • Vitalsexuals would like to inject more spontaneity into their sexual relations compared with other men aged 40++ (31% vs 26%)

Vitalsexuals are typified by their generous attitude towards their parther’s satisfaction and the need for spontaneity. Vitalsexuals say it is important or essential to give satisfaction to their partner when they have sex. They also expressed that it was important or essential to have spontaneous love relationships.

“The common assumption is that Asian men are self-centered and don’t care about partner satisfaction. But the study debunks the myths. This is good news for women!” said chartered psychologist Prof Dr Low Wah Yun.

“Many Malaysian men still think of erection difficulties as a taboo topic. This is a paradox as they also desire for greater partner satisfaction. They can have that if they are more open and proactive in seeking solutions. Women too can play an important role in improving sexual relations by encouraging their men to talk about their erection difficalties with their doctors,” added Prof Dr Low.

Summing up the Vitalsexual man, Lin Siew Kheng, general manager Bayer Healthcare Pharmaceuticals (Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam), Bayer (South East Asia) Pte Ltd, said: “Results of this study point to a need for more vitalsexuals-men who are more concerned about the cople he is part of rather than just himself-in our society. When society has more vitalsexuals, it will have happier couples and marriages.”

The Vitalsexual Malaysia Study is part of an extensive global research programme supported by Bayer Healthcare to bring attention to the fact that there are an estimated 152 million men worldwide who experience erection difficulties. Despite its prevalence, only around 15-20% of men with the condition are being treated.




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