Maybank to go IP VPN

PETALING JAYA: Telekom Malaysia Bhd and Maybank Bhd have signed an agreement to migrate the bank’s branch network from a legacy frame-relay system to one using an Internet Protocol Virtual Private Network (IP VPN).

Datuk Adnan Rofiee, TM Retail chief operating officer for Malaysia business, said that with the Internet already playing a vital role in today’s business environment, the Internet Protocol standard is the de facto protocol for data and communications.

“Our IP VPN service will allow our customer to make use of Internet communications in a private and highly secure environment,” he said.

IP VPN enables the exchange of encrypted confidential data. Other benefits, according to Telekom Malaysia, are a reduction in network complexity, easier network management and improved cost effectiveness.

Maybank said it will use the IP VPN service to operate more than 400 branch networks, more than 1,000 Automatic Teller Machine sites, and more than 160 point-of-sales merchant networks.

Frame-relay technology is a data networking service that involves packet switching between local-area networks and wide-area networks to exchange digital information.

Assessed on Tuesday January 8, 2008

The Star Online.