Sarawak’s corporation on anti-corruption drive

KUCHING: The Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) has signed a memorandum of collaboration with Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) to promote integrity and combat corruption.

Under the memorandum, SEDC will put in place structures to eliminate corruption by advocating accountability, transparency and integrity in its business dealings and transactions.

The memorandum also seeks to create a culture of intolerance towards corruption and promote a culture of integrity through programmes such as TI-M’s integrity pact, a tool aimed at preventing corruption in public contracting, and a code of ethics.

SEDC will also renew its commitment to transparency, accountability and good governance in its daily operations and ensure that elements of corruption in its business dealings or operations will be addressed seriously.

The memorandum was signed by SEDC chairman Datuk Talib Zulpilip and TI-M treasurer Richard Wong.

Talib said the signing of the memorandum was part of SEDC’s efforts to promote integrity and accountability within the organisation.

He said SEDC had established a practice requiring all parties participating in its tendering process to sign an agreement that they would not influence or bribe anyone in the organisation.

“The memorandum with Transparency International is a good opportunity to reinforce what we are doing,” he said.

The Star

Saturday March 15, 2008